

  1. Outstanding Performance in HCI Award (in Portuguese: Prêmio Atuação de Destaque em IHC), HCI Special Group — Brazilian Computer Society. 2024.
  2. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship. Project: Human Values in Interactive Systems Design and Evaluation. 2024.
  3. IHC Most Cited Paper Awards. Paper: Softwares Sociais: uma visão orientada a valores. Certificate for the 25 most cited articles in 25 years of the IHC – Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023.
  4. Outstanding Associate of the Year Award, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). 2022.
  5. Outstanding Graduates 2005-2020, Institute of Computing – University of Campinas (UNICAMP). 2021.
  6. Special Recognition for voluntary work with the Scientific Coordination of the Special HCI Commission, Brazilian Computer Society. 2018.
  7. Honors Award recognizing the Academic Work, Unisep – Education Union of Southwest Paraná. 2009.
  8. Best Reviewer Awards: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024); Brazilian Conference on Computing Education (Educomp 2021, 2022); Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (SBIE 2022); IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2022).
  9. Honored Professor: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Informatics. Federal University of Paraná. Honor received from my students in 2017, 2019, and 2020.

Thesis and Dissertation Competitions

  1. CTD-IHC 2024: Honorable Mention – Master’s Degree. Advisor of Luiz A. Baroni. Title: Deceptive Patterns under a Sociotechnical View.
  2. CTD-IHC 2024: Honorable Mention – Undergrad. Advisor of Eduardo M. de Souza. Title: SIMCAQ: A Sociotechnical Diagnosis.
  3. CTD-IE 2022: Honorable Mention – Master’s Degree. Alexandre Direne Competition for Theses and Dissertations in Informatics in Education. Dissertation advisor for Krissia Menezes. Title: MeTA: Um Método para Avaliação de Tecnologias Educacionais Acessíveis.
  4. CTD-IHC 2021: 1st Place Ph.D. Junia Coutinho Anacleto Award for Theses and Dissertations in HCI. Co-advisor of Rúbia E. O. S. Ascari‘s thesis. Title: Methodology based on Computer Vision and Machine Learning to guide the Design of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems using Personalized Gestural Interaction.
  5. CTD-IE 2020: 1st Place Ph.D. Alexandre Direne Competition for Theses and Dissertations in Informatics in Education. Advisor of the thesis of Andrés J. Porfírio. Title: Identifying Evidences of Computer Programming Skills Through Automatic Source Code Evaluation.
  6. CTD-IE 2020: 1st Place Master’s Degree. Alexandre Direne Competition for Theses and Dissertations in Informatics in Education. Dissertation advisor for Júlia S. B. Ortiz. Title: Computational Thinking for Youth and Adults Education: Towards a Socially Aware Model.

Best Paper Awards and Honorable Mentions

  1. Best Paper Award of the HCI in Practice track. Paper: “Diagnóstico da Plataforma MEC RED: combinando diferentes métodos de avaliação para informar o redesign”, IHC 2024 – Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  2. Best Paper Award EduComp 2023. Paper: A Liga do Pensamento Computacional: uma narrativa distópica para gamificar uma disciplina introdutória de computação, EduComp 2023 – Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação.
  3. Best Paper Award SBGames 2023 – Arts & Design Track. Paper: Iniciando a aventura em Game Design: relato da experiência na concepção do jogo Honor Keeper, CE-Jogos.
  4. Honorable Mention EduComp 2023. Paper: Coleta de evidências do exercício do Pensamento Computacional: um artefato de apoio, EduComp 2023 – Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação.
  5. Best Paper Award WCGE (2nd Place). Paper: Do Social ao Técnico – Uma Análise Sociotécnica para a Otimização da Logística do Programa Nacional do Livro e do Material Didático, WCGE – CSBC.
  6. Best Paper Award IHC 2022. Paper: A systematic mapping study on digital game adaptation dimensions, IHC 2022 – 21st Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  7. Best Paper Award IHC 2021. Paper: Dark Patterns: Towards a Socio-technical Approach, IHC 2021 – 20st Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems — Innovative Ideas track.
  8. Best Paper Award WIPlay 2019. Paper: Design Socialmente Consciente de Jogos: relato de uma oficina prática para o entendimento do problema e prospecção de ideias. IHC 2019 – 18th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  9. Honorable Mention SBIE 2019. Paper: Utilização de Desafios para o Desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional no Ensino Superior: Um Relato de Experiência. Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education.
  10. Honorable Mention WAlgProg 2018. Paper: Aspectos do Contexto Sociocultural dos Alunos estão Presentes nas Pesquisas para Ensinar Pensamento Computacional? Workshop at tthe Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education.
  11. Best Student Paper Award in Human-Computer Interaction. Paper: Keeping Values in Mind: Artifacts for a Value-Oriented and Culturally Informed Design, ICEIS 2012 – 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information System.
  12. Best Paper Award at International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011). Paper: Interaction Design of Social Software: Clarifying requirements through a culturally aware artifact. Infonomics Society Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter.
  13. Best Paper Award IHC’08. Paper: Folksonomias: Uma Análise Crítica Focada na Interação e na Natureza da Técnica. IHC’08 – VIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems.