This page contains a set of tools about my research topics and about the research and development activities of the whole C3SL group.
Information integration, transparency and monitoring
- BIOD: Blended Integrated Open Data : a Web Portal that provides a RESTful API for accessing several integrated public Open Data sources produced by the Brazilian government. Tool source at Git, Article Describing the data
- Simcaq: Cost-Student Quality Simulator. source files here
- Laboratory for Educational Data: open data portal for querying information about Education in Brazil (+300Gb of processed data). source files here Article describing the approach
- Plataforma Integrada MEC RED. Portal for integrating and accessing Open Educational Resources (+25K OERs). source files here Article describing the approach
- SIMMC. System for collecting data and monitoring digital inclusion initiatives. Web site and source files.
- SIMTransparencia; system for visualizing Public Open Data. Web site and source files
Data transformation/mapping
- QBMetrics: a tool for evaluating and comparing document schemas.
- HOTMapper: a tool for mapping Open Data from large CSV files. Source files. Tool description (at EDBT)
- Metamorfose: a tool and framework built on top of Apache Spark for data transformation from RDB to NoSQL. Source files. Tool description
- JSON pull parser interoperability: interoperability between JSON and other NoSQL models, using the pull-parser programming model.
- AMW: AtlanMod Model Weaver : a tool for establishing correspondences between model elements.
- RIT: rule interchange technologies: a tool and methodology for rule (BRMS) migration.
Information extraction
- ASMatch: Inexact Gazeteer using phonetic information encoded in a TRIE tree. Plug-in for the GATE Suit.
- RDB2Onto : tool for translating RDB to Ontologies, using the logical model and taking into account hierarchies.
- Normalization of imprecise temporal expressions data (Timexes)
Mode Driven Stress testing & benchmarking
- J-MODAST: integration of the Model Based Stress Testing Methodology with JMeter
- Vanquish: Multiple-schema stress testing: a tool for testing the performance of schemas modeled in different ways.
Model Operations as Search
- MOS : Model Search (Model Search and Transformation as Search set of tools)
- Timed Petri Net to Tina transformer.
Application development
- SAPOS (Sistema de Apoio à Pos-Graduação) (in Portuguese) : a tool for managing the graduate course using state of the art development techniques.
- Digital Preservation tool.
- C3SL GitLab: All projects hosted at the C3SL Labs GitLab.
- C3SL at GitHub