Supervised Students

Research topics

  • Open Data mapping (data integration, evolution)
  • Imprecise data extraction from text
    • Extraction and normalization of imprecise time expressions (timex)
    • Approximate phonetic string matching
  • Optimization applied to MDE: model search: utilization of constraint programming and/or SAT solvers in MDE applications.
  • Model transformations, weaving, composition and evolution.
    • Model matching: generic MDE framework for establishing correspondences between model elements.

Ongoing Projects

  • Sistema de Monitoramento das Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial (fin. Ministério das Mulheres, da Igualdade Racial e dos Direitos Humanos)
  • Pesquisa de redes sociais em nuvem voltadas para objetos educacionais (fin. Ministério da Educação).
  • AMW: AtlanMod Model Weaver : a tool for establishing correspondences between model elements.

Past projects

  • Auto-Ajuste de Desempenho de Sistemas de Bancos de Dados em Nuvem – CNPq Universal A
  • Adaptive data persistence of RDBMS in the cloud (financiamento e colaboração SERPRO) (notícia da assinatura) (R$450K)


Events organisation/ workshops/ presentations

  • Daad Summer School 2019: participated as a lecturer, course about Historical Open Data Integration.
  • PC Chair of the MDE track, together with Juan Manuel Vara Mesa, at the QUATIC conference, 2019.


Past events

PC member/reviews

Sosym (Software and Systems Modeling), KAIS (Knowledge And Information Systems), QUATIC 2020, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Journal of Information Science 2018, IJES 2018, IJCAET 2018, BigMDE 2017, Lavoisier TSI / Théorie de la Modélisation et de la Simulation 2016, BigMDE 2016, SBBD-DEMOS-2016, IJCSE2016, IJMSO 2015, CloudMDE workshop 2015, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology(IJWET) Official 2014, Workshop CloudMDE 2014 at Models Conference, ECMFA 2014, Journal of Software (JSW) 2014, IBM Journal of Research and Development 2013, JSS-Journal of Systems and Software 2013, BigMDE 2013 workshop, SBSI 2013, Workshop DSDM 2012 at CBSoft, Science of Scientific Programming 2012, Workshop S4SA-2012 at ECAI, SoSym 2012 (Special issue on Service Modeling), Workshop on MDE for and in the Cloud (at ECMFA2012), CISCI 2012, ACM TSE 2008 (Special Issue on Language Engineering), MoSE workshop (2010, 2011), MELO workshop 2011, International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 2010, MtATL workshop (2010, 2011), Models 2010 (on behalf of Patrick Albert), Science of Scientific Programming 2011 (special issue on Tools), ESWC 2010 (on behalf of Hassan Ait-Kaci), ComSis (Computer Science and Information Systems Journal) 2011/2012, Software and Systems Modeling – SoSym 2011(Theme Issue on Model-Driven Service Engineering)

PhD Thesis

Metadata management using model weaving and model transformations. University of Nantes, September 2007. Download
Supervisors: Patrick Valduriez and Jean Bézivin