ICDAR2019 – Competition on GBNLA

Unfortunately the paper about the competition has been rejected, because too few participants submitted a final systemThank you very much the registrations and especially the participation of the Jadavpur University team (Showmik Bhowmik, Soumyadeep Kundu, and Ram Sarkar) and the Lenovo Research team (Chendi Zang, Hui Li, Xinfeng Chang, and Yaqiang Wu).

Best regards,

Alessandra, Prof. Dr. Paulo, and Prof. Dr. Daniel.




Alessandra Belézia Araujo

Master’s student in Post-graduate Program in Computer Science of UFPR and IT technician in Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFPR.

Prof. Dr. Paulo Astor Soethe

Professor at the Polish, German and Classical Literature Department of the UFPR and Coordinator of the dokumente.br Project.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Weingaertner

Professor at the Informatics Department of the UFPR and Coordinator of the dokumente.br Project.