This page summarizes all the activities we have developed in the context of CAPES STICAmsud project.
Title: Dynamic Selection of Classifiers with Applications in Real Environments
In this project, we focus on the dynamic selection of classifiers having an initial set of classifiers built under a formal strategy that guarantees diversity and accuracy. In this context, recent works have highlighted the concept of oracle where the challenge lies on the selection of the classifiers to compose a subset capable of accurately classifying an input pattern in such a way that the upper limit imposed by the oracle may be achieved. A deeper study of the oracle is critical to model its properties aiming to accomplish a robust dynamic selection of classifiers for a wide range of applications.
To achieve the objectives defined in this project we collaborate with teams of France, Brazil and Chile which cover theoretical issues as well as practical aspects. In addition, one participant of the project is a technology-based Chilean company that develops pattern recognition applications. This allows us to assess the outcomes of our research in real environments related to industrial problems.
- Prof. Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR/Brazil – Team Coordinator)
- Prof. Alceu de Souza Britto Jr (PUCPR/Brazil)
- Prof. Alessandro L. Koerich (PUCPR/Brazil)
- Fabio Spanhol, PhD student (UFPR/Brazil)
- Profa. Nancy Histchfeld (Universidad de Chile/Chile)
- Prof. Domingo Nery (PUC Chile/Chile)
- José Saavedra, Dr. (Orand/Chile
- Felipe Ramirez, MSc (Orand)
- Adolfo Carpio (Orand)
- Juan Barrios, Dr (Orand)
- Mauricio Palma (CEO Orand)
- Violeta Chang, PhD student (Universidad de Chile/Chile)
- Prof. Laurent Heutte (Université de Rouen/France)
- Prof. Caroline Petitjean (Université de Rouen/France)
- Prof. Simon Bernard (Université de Rouen/France)
Meeting 1
- Place: Santiago, Chile
- Date: June 15-20, 2014
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira
- Nancy Histchfeld
- José Saavedra (Orand)
- Felipe Ramirez (Orand)
- Adolfo Carpio (Orand)
- Juan Barrios (Orand)
- Mauricio Palma (CEO Orand)
- Violeta Chang
- Laurent Heutte
Monday, June 16, 2014:
- Prof. Nancy introduced her research axis [pdf]
- Violeta Chang presented her work on Human Sperm Components, discussing aspects on segmentation and classification [pdf]
- José Saavedra presented his work on sketch classification. [pdf]
- Discussion about the presentations
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
- Erick (Domingo’s student) in presented his work on object classification using X-Ray images
- Laurent introduced the research he and his team are doing at the Université de Rouen in France [pdf]
- Luiz introduced the research he and his team are doing at the UFPR/PUCPR in Brazil [pdf]
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
- Mauricio Palma introduced ORAND and all the research projects they have been working on.
- Felipe Ramirez presented the project called Text Metric, which is focused on mining email to detect and classify emotions and sentiments.
- Adolfo Carpio presented the information system for hospitals that ORAND is developing. He also presented some challenges in the field of document analysis and handwriting recognition.
- Juan Barrios presented some applications and challenges in the application of bank cheque recognition, such as watermarking for bank cheques. Juan still discussed the project on sketch retrieval. [pdf]
Thursday, June 19, 2014
- Definition of the schedule and program for the next meetings, which will take place in Curitiba-Brazil (October/2014) and Rouen-France (December/2014).
Friday, June 20, 2014
- Trip back home
Meeting 2
- Place: Curitiba, Brazil
- Date: October 19-25, 2014
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR)
- Alceu S. Britto Jr. (PUCPR)
- Alessandro L. Koerich (PUCPR)
- Paulo Almeida (UFPR, PhD student)
- Fabio Spanhol (UFPR, PhD student)
- Andre Brun (PUCPR, PhD student)
- Eunelson J. Silva Jr (PUCPR, MSc student)
- Andreia Marini (PUCPR, Phd student)
- Jhony Kaesemodel Pontes (UFPR, MSc student)
- Luiz Gustavo Haffemann (UFPR, MSc student)
- Luis Weigert (PUCPR, MSc student)
- Lucas Adams (UFPR, MSc student)
- Marcel T. A. Souza (PUCPR, MSc student)
- Sergio Marques (PUCPR, PhD student)
- José Saavedra (Orand)
- Violeta Chang (U Chile, PhD student)
- Laurent Heutte (U Rouen)
- Caroline Petitjean (U Rouen)
The second meeting of the SticAmsud project took place in Curitiba (Oct 19-25, 2014). In the mornings we have organized a series of workshops where several students (Master and Phd) and the researchers involved in the project had the opportunity of presenting their current research.The presentations took place at the department of informatics of the UFPR and also at the graduate program in applied informatics of the PUCPR.
In the afternoons, the researchers had the opportunity to meet to discuss their ongoing works and also possible collaborations. In this sense, we outlined two student exchange. In December, Mrs. Violeta Chang, PhD student at Universidad de Chile will spend one month at Université de Rouen, France, under the supervision of Prof. Caroline Petitjean and Laurent Heutte. The second student, Fabio Spanhol, enrolled at the PhD program at UFPR, will do part of his PhD research in France under the supervision of the same professors. At this moment, we are working on the joint tutorage agreement for an international thesis.
Here you can find the slides of all presentations we had in this second meeting:
- Concept Drift [pdf] (Paulo Almeida)
- Automatic Breast Cancer Classification form Histopathological Images [pdf] (Fabio Spanhol)
- Dynamic Classifiers Selection based on Complexity Analysis [pdf] (Andre Brun)
- Cascade based Classification approach to problems with different complexities [pdf] (Eunelson J. Silva Jr)
- Fine-Grained Visual Identification using Deep and Shallow Strategies [pdf] (Andrea Marini)
- Hierarchical Age Estimation from Unconstrained Facial Images [pdf] (Jhony Kaesemodel Pontes)
- Hierarchical Classifiers Combination for Automatic Music Information Retrieval [pdf] (Luiz Weigert)
- Classification of Sperm Heads using Active Contours and Morphological Features [pdf] (Violeta Chang)
- Sketch Based Image Retrieval and Projects in ORAND [pdf] (Jose Saavedra)
- Music Mood Classification using Audio and Lyrics [pdf] (Marcel Souza)
- Graph cut based segmentation of Cardiac Ventricles in MRI: a shape-prior based approach [pdf] (Caroline Petitjean)
- Random Forests [pdf] (Laurent Heutte)
Prof. Caroline Petitjean presenting her work @ sticAmsud workshop in Curitiba
Meeting 3
- Place: Rouen, France
- Date: December 6-12, 2014
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR)
- Alessandro Koerich (PUCPR)
- José Saavedra (Orand)
- Violeta Chang (U Chile, PhD student)
- Laurent Heutte (U Rouen)
- Caroline Petitjean (U Rouen)
- Simon Bernard (U Rouen)
- Hongmei Mi (U Rouen, Phd Student)
- Arturo M. Quispe (U Roeun, MSc Student)
- Sovann En (U Rouen, PhD Student)
The third meeting of the SticAmsud project took place in Rouen, France (Dez 6-12, 2014). Similarly to the previous events, several students (Master and Phd) and researchers involved in the project had the opportunity of presenting their current research. The presentations took place at the UFR des Sciences, Université de Rouen. Here you can find the slides of all presentations we had in this third meeting:
- Random Forests: Parametrization and Dynamic Induction [pdf] (Simon Bernard)
- Assessing Textural Features For Writer Identification on Different Writing Styles and Forgeries [pdf] (Luiz S. Oliveira)
- Jose Saavedra
- Violeta Chang
- Hongmei Mi PhD Student
- Arturo M. Quispe, MSc Student
- Alessandro Koerich
- Pattern Spoting, (Sovann En)
It is worth mentioning that before our workshop, Violeta Chang (PhD student at Universidad de Chile) spent one month working at the LITIS Lab in Rouen under the supervision of Prof. Laurent Heutte and Caroline Petitjean. To make it possible, Prof. Heutte supported the student with the funds of his research projects.
SticAmsud Team @ Rouen – December 2014.
Meeting 4
- Place: Santiago, Chile
- Date: September 26, 2015 – October 2, 2015
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR)
- Alceu Souza Britto, Jr (PUCPR)
- José Saavedra (Orand)
- Violeta Chang (U Chile, PhD student)
- Laurent Heutte (U Rouen)
- Nancy Histchfeld (U Chile)
- Domingo Neri (PUC Chile)
The fourh meeting of the SticAmsud project took place in Santiago, Chile (Sept 26-Oct 2, 2015). Our first activity was the PhD defense of the student Violeta Chang, which was supervised by Prof. Nacy Histchfeld (U Chile) and co-supervised by Prof Laurent Heutte and Prof. Caroline Petitjean (U. Rouen). This collaboration was possible thanks to the SticAmsud project, which make this academic cooperation possible.
The title of the thesis presented by Violeta Chang was “Segmentation and Classification of human sperm heads towards morphological sperm analysis”. The thesis will be available here soon.
In the second day, our activities took place at PUC Chile, where Prof. Domingo Mery organized a session of presentations. Domingo Mery presented the research he has done during his sabbatical year at the Notre Damme Universtiy (USA). Domingo’s student, Eric Svec presented his last results on object recogntion using sparse reconstruction over X-Ray images. Prof. Alceu Britto gave a talk where he explained recent trends on Dynamic Selection of Classifiers.
In tjhe third day Prof. Alceu gave another talk about Dynamic Selection of Classifier for all the engineers of ORAND S/A.
The rest of the week, researchers work together on some joint papers they have under revision and also planed the next workshop that should take place at the University of Rouen in October 2015.
Meeting 5
- Place: Rouen, France
- Date: October 23, 2015 – October 31, 2015
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR)
- Alceu Souza Britto, Jr (PUCPR)
- José Saavedra (Orand)
- Laurent Heutte (U Rouen)
- Caroline Petitjean (U Rouen)
- Simon Bernard (U Rouen)
- Sovan En (U Rouen)
- Domingo Neri (PUC Chile)
The ffith meeting of the SticAmsud project took place in Roeun, France (Oct 23-Oct 31, 2015). In this opportunity, we have organized a series of where the students and the researchers involved in the project had the opportunity of presenting their current research. The follows talks were presented during this week:
- Image Segmentation with a Statistical Shape Prior, Caroline Petitjean [pdf]
- Computer Vision in X-Ray Testing, Domingo Mery [ppt]
- Recognition of Facial Attributes using adaptive Sparce Representations of Random Patches, Domingo Mery [ppt]
- Dynamic Selection of Classifiers, Alceu Britto Jr [pdf]
- Random Forests, Simon Bernard [pdf]
- Extreme Learning Machine out-of-sample in Laplacien Eigenmaps, Caroline Petitjean [pdf]
- Deep Features for Image Retrieval and Classification, Jose Saavedra [pdf]
- Sketch-based Image Retrieval using Learned KeyShapes, Jose Saavedra [pdf]
- Pattern Spotting in Historical Document Images, Sovan En [pdf]
Besides the presentations, researchers had the opportunity to discuss on-going projects which include the co-supervison of PhD students. L. Heutte, C. Petitjean and Luiz S. Oliveira discussed the best way of sharing the database that was built during this project for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification. A paper describing this dataset was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. The dataset is available here
Finally, researchers from Brazil and France took advantage of this meeting to finalize a project proposal, which will be submitted to CAPES/COFECUB. The idea is to pursue this recent academic cooperation that started to be fruitfull.
- Luiz, Alceu, Doming, Laurent, Caroline, Jose
Luiz, Alceu, Domingo, Laurent, Caroline, and Jose
Meeting 6
- Place: Curitiba, Brazil
- Date: November 21-28, 2015
- Attendees:
- Luiz Eduardo S. Oliveira (UFPR)
- Alceu Souza Britto, Jr (PUCPR)
- Fabricio Enenbreck (PUCPR)
- Jacques Facon (PUCPR)
- Laurent Heutte (U Rouen)
- Simon Bernard (U Rouen)
- Heitor Gomes (PUCPR, PhD Student)
- Dennis Furlaneto (UFPR)
- Fabio Spanhol (UFPR, PhD Student)
- Jean P. Bardall (PUCPR, PhD Student)
- Paulo Almeida (UFPR, PhD Student)
- Sergio Marques (PUCPR, PhD Student)
The sixth meeting of the SticAmsud project took place in Curitiba, France (Nov 21-28, 2015). In this opportunity, we have organized a series of where the students and the researchers involved in the project had the opportunity of presenting their current research. The follows talks were presented during this week:
- Breast Cancer Classification, Fabio Spanhol.
- Concept Drift, Paulo Almeida
- Heart Image Segmentation, Sérgio Marques
- Random Forests, Simon Bernard
- Development of Social Adaptive Ensemble of Classifiers, Heitor Gomes
- Feature Drift, Jean P. Bardall
- Machine Learning on Financial Time Series, Dennis Furlaneto
- Pattern Spotting, Laurent Heutte
Besides the presentations, researchers had the opportunity to discuss on-going projects and also to draw a first version of the project report.